Transporter Rings can now be isolated to their own networks of your choosing. Actually, to anyone who’s waiting for trainer updates, you can install some mods from the Steam Workshop such as Simple Single Player Cheat Menu so you can get infinite ammo (Only primary and pistol), stamina, infinite health (and squad health and vehicle) and even teleport. 50 it’s now very simple to do just that! For the rest of the script all the commands will be executed via remoteExec to make sure all players execute the DOWNLOAD AND OPEN WITH 7ZIP OR WINRAR FOLLOWING FILES, EXTRACT FOLDER IN C:\Users\your_profile\Documents\Arma 3\mpmissions TO PLAY MISSIONS, LAUNCH EDITOR IN ARMA 3, OPEN YOUR MAP, AND EXPORT TO MULTIPLAYER OR SOLO IF THE MISSION IS IN.

When you go to MultiPlayer, look for the name of your server in the list, or use Filters to find it faster - Join your server.