All set in a world of legendary heroes, giant monsters, flying creatures and storms of magical power. Given how the games play out right now in multiplayer campaign, that is more or less a true statement. Mods are made by players, for players and are not officially licensed by Games Workshop. The older total war games did have multiple person coop campaign, it worked sometimes, but was rife with desync issues.

Mortal Empires is a new grand-scale campaign set across the vast… Learn how to play Total War: WARHAMMER II with Total War Academy videos and tips! Will this game have this on release? Total War: WARHAMMER II > General Discussions > Topic Details. 2 player campaign takes twice as long as single player campaign, so it stands to reason that a 3 or 4 or 10 player campaign would take 3, 4, or 10 times as long, respectively.